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Re: Birds and Butterflies

PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:11 pm
by Canadian Jayne
I saw the most wondrous butterfly bush
with so many different butterflies on it
Monarch, blue ones, white ones, yellow and mixed
simply amazing
And the aroma that comes from the bush is incredible

Re: Birds and Butterflies

PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 2:24 am
by Canadian Jayne
Today it was bicycle,beaches and butterflies
as I walked along the beach with my
grandson so thankful to be there
enjoying the waves on my bare feet
and watching him play in the sand
absolute heaven
but that day when I went to another
town I was horrified to see the front
page of the Globe and Mail paper today
a child almost the same age as my grandson
who will never walk the beach with his
My heart aches for what has happened
to that little boy

Re: Birds and Butterflies

PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 1:59 pm
by lspearman
Good Morning Jayne I love to ride bicycles myself and I agree we should be thankful for everything and everyone in our life I was just telling a friend last night heck I'm even thankful to have a leaf blower I left my trash on the porch which I never do and will never do again anyway when I got home I had ants everywhere I had flip flops on and they tore my feet up this morning they are not good anyway thank goodness I had some ant spray so I sprayed the porch really good then I took the leaf blower and blowed all their little butts off the porch I have indoor outdoor carpet out there so it made it easier I'm a very lucky girl I really have most everything I want or need my house may not be a as nice as some but for me it's home and paid for and I really have no bills except for Utilities of course and that for me is a blessing I guess I'm a pretty simple girl as long as I have a little something to eat family and friends to share my life with at the moment that works for me it's the simple things in life that make me happy just like you said walking on the beach with your grandson how very blessed you are to have got to be at the beach cause there are lots of people that have never gotten to go even once so I think we are both very blessed I came in last night and took photos of all my pretty flowers on my deck I just love em and feel blessed to have em and to have a deck to walk on because I know lots of people that have to live on the streets sad but true I always try to help them if I can I think it's good to do that kinda thing anyway gotta very busy weekend off for another adventure this evening but will chat later Happy Saturday... :)

Re: Birds and Butterflies

PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 2:35 am
by Canadian Jayne
Yes, Happy Saturday
thanks for sharing
On the 7 Sept I saw a sky anomaly
anyone else see one out there?
Just w ](*,) ondering


Re: Birds and Butterflies

PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 6:53 pm
by fluffy
what's that??? sounds interesting :D

Re: Birds and Butterflies

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 2:08 pm
by lspearman
You're very welcome I don't know what a sky anomaly is and no time to look it up at the moment and what's up with the brick wall?
I had a lovely weekend with some wonderful family and friends but gotta run for now back to work for me today hope to sort some photos later have a good one... :D :roll:
I just kinda like the rolling eyes one lol catch ya later.

Re: Birds and Butterflies

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 11:37 pm
by Canadian Jayne
Oops didn't mean to do do
brick wall smiley
space anomaly=meteor shower
a few interesting predictions for end
of this month
there was a lady in a car around that time
something hit her windshield
there was no explanation
as to what it was
it could have been someone throwing something
from a bridge but as I looked for more
I found there was some kind of meteor
shower around that time
I wondered if there was a link :-k (I meant to do this one)

Re: Birds and Butterflies

PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 11:33 am
by lspearman
Good Morning How do you make that brick wall smiley? I never think about things like that just wondering I guess I could look it up anyway what do you think about the predictions? They worry me I know when it's our time to go we will I just feel like I haven't done nearly as much as I want to in this beautiful life and it makes me sad to think it could all come to and end my cousin posted this on my facebook wall a while back what do you think of this?
I gotta try to get a little work done before I leave this moring but hope to chat later hugs.. :?

Re: Birds and Butterflies

PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 10:44 pm
by fluffy
I stayed up about a month ago to watch a meteor shower over Aberdeen. For once we had a clear starry night and it was wee fireworks .....i was mesmerised i was gutted when i had to go to :D

Re: Birds and Butterflies

PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 2:53 pm
by Canadian Jayne
Yes, the sky can be amazing
We are so blessed to have such a beautiful world.
I hope we can all take care of it,
especially, for the next generation

What concerns me is with all this
nuclear stuff, war, too much pollution,
what a planet mess up these are.

You'll notice if a war breaks out somewhere,
there is always problems ,weather wise,
somewhere else in the world,
almost a domino effect.

Re: Birds and Butterflies

PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 10:09 pm
by fluffy
i'm sorry to say that the end of the world can take many forms and it feels as though we're approaching an apocalypse of sorts in Europe at the moment....It's an extremely worrying time........ :cry: :(

Re: Birds and Butterflies

PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 11:07 pm
by lspearman
This worries me so bad... :(

Today has been a really sad day what do you think about this video? ...

Re: Birds and Butterflies

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 11:07 am
by fluffy
oh, at least if it hits us we won't feel anything......we'll explode... :shock:

Re: Birds and Butterflies

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 9:31 pm
by Canadian Jayne
I love reading scriptures
and they pretty well deal with
past, present and future
I go with the idea that
if it predicted the Saviour
and he did come
then it's a pretty reliable source
also the B of M predicted his coming
and gave more detail
Also non religious people backed up
history about the new star appearance
Three sources for verification
So Finding out what they say for the
future is a task in

Re: Birds and Butterflies

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 9:35 pm
by Canadian Jayne
I think with future events
We need to live the best way we can.

Pray that we will receive our own
personal revelation on where we
should be when all the prophesied
stuff starts to happen.

Batten down the hatches
and Be prepared

That's my opinion