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Birds and Butterflies

PostPosted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 3:14 am
by Canadian Jayne
I love nature and taking videos of them

Re: Birds and Butterflies

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 10:31 pm
by fluffy
me back garden is like a wee oasis of's small but there's feeders and water and it's wildlife friendly......every morning i awake to the sounds of birds fighting over the tasty treats :lol: :lol: :lol:
there's magpies, blackbirds, starlings, chaffinch's, bluetits, coaltits, sparrows, Robins and 3 very plump happy wood pigeons........ :D and at dusk there are little bats......i love it! :D

Re: Birds and Butterflies

PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 1:14 pm
by lspearman
That sounds like heaven fluffy I love nature myself what is a magpie? No worries I'll look it up I also have a small area and keep feeders and water I love anything to do with water pool hot tub beaches rivers lakes ponds anything and fountains are so relaxing to me I have a small fish pond that's really a small frog pond and boy when they get to singing or what ever it is they do they are very loud especially after a rain I think it makes em happy and sometimes in the pool in the evening I also have bats they swoop down to the water not sure about them if one would get on me I would probably drown myself getting out lol have a good day my friend I was off most of the week for the 4th and got lots of catching up to do catch ya later... :D

Re: Birds and Butterflies

PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 4:46 am
by Canadian Jayne
Sometimes you just have to
lay back and watch the clouds go by
Contemplate how beautiful this world
really is
And thank the big Guy upstairs for
what he has created
And pray that we don't mess it up
It's a free moving theatre right in your
own back yard

Re: Birds and Butterflies

PostPosted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 2:15 pm
by lspearman
This is true my sweet friend hope all is well :D

Re: Birds and Butterflies

PostPosted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 6:24 pm
by Canadian Jayne
They are as well as they can be

Re: Birds and Butterflies

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 9:43 pm
by lspearman
I understand all any of us can do is to take things one day at a time and have faith like you say in the big guy upstairs that things will work out the way they're suppose to life is meant to be enjoyed we have to take the bad with the good and be thankful for what we do have what ever that is enjoy my sweet friend chat later... :)

Re: Birds and Butterflies

PostPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 4:43 pm
by Canadian Jayne
Thanks for the encouragement
things are getting better
you be well also
I think we need a dancing smiley
this month is the month for beachy fun
lets dance

Re: Birds and Butterflies

PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 1:39 am
by lspearman
I do like to dance maybe you can make us one?
I always liked that cute little dancing baby remember that?
I'm glad things are better for you...

Re: Birds and Butterflies

PostPosted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 6:15 am
by Canadian Jayne
Yes the dancing baby always
puts a smile on my face
babies are beautiful

Re: Birds and Butterflies

PostPosted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 5:02 am
by lspearman
Hey guess what I had a really busy day at work today and I'm dog tired just now winding down a little I had an instant breakfast for dinner that's pretty tired gonna have a little get together for my friend Sunday for her birthday and had to change and fix a few outside lights but did pretty good if I do say so myself hey I might even put on my dancing shoes even if I don't have a beach anyway tonight I was working on cleaning the swimming pool and a big fat bat flew down and got stuck in my hair???? Nah I'm just playing but there was a big fat bat that swooped down several times and I thought of you but if that thang would have got in my hair I would probably have wet my pants if I would have had had any on just playing I did have some on just wanted to pop in for a second and say hi gotta run for now I really am dog tired really really got an early morning and lots to do tomorrow but hope you have a good night my sweet friend sweet dreams chat later... :D

Re: Birds and Butterflies

PostPosted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 2:51 pm
by Canadian Jayne
Have a great party
have lots of patio torches on and your pants on :oops:
I don't think bats like light
I don't know how they feel about people and pants :shock:
just saw a blue heron fly away
but stubbed my toe just walking back
pleasure and pain all within one minute arghh :?

Re: Birds and Butterflies

PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 5:26 am
by lspearman
Thanks it was a great party I have some wonderful friends and family a little crazy but hey I like a little crazy and I did keep my pants on and no bats but guess what I got the crap scared out of me this morning when I was cleaning the deck and getting ready I opened the lid on the hot tub and there was a big black snake in it scrared me to death boy I dropped that top fast when my friends got here they tried to catch it but it ran under the house not good I'm afraid of snakes sorry about your toe dog tired early morning sweet dreams...

Re: Birds and Butterflies

PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 7:21 pm
by Canadian Jayne
I went for a beauitiful sunday walk
this last week and found an
amazing tree
the tree was about to fall down
but there beside it and almost
woven into it was a younger tree
holding the old tree up(the tree is about
3X the size of the younger tree)
intertwined, connected and supporting
a great analogy to life
wish I could share the picture
but still haven't figured out
how to share personal pics

Re: Birds and Butterflies

PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 12:03 am
by lspearman
I'm sure that was very nice I used to love to explore on horseback haven't done that in many years great fun and yes I would say that was a great analogy to life I wish you could've shared the picture some things just take a little longer to figure out than others my dear friend have a good evening... :)