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Carrey: Mum inspired my comedy

PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 5:35 pm
by jimliker
"People always ask me where the comedy comes from. Well, my mother was a sweet, sweet lady, but she was struggling with so much I felt like it was my responsibility to lift her out of it and free her from concern. I spent my life doing that," he said.

"I never leave the funny roles, I just go all over the place. I'm a creative, so I like to do it all," said the Canadian-born actor.

"My major quest in life is freedom from concern, that's my MO [mode of operating]. It's what I've done since I was a kid," he continued.

"Then it was for my family when money was tight, and for my friends. I realised I could fit in like a glove if I made people laugh, and now it's become this worldwide obnoxious pilgrimage." ... 02690.html