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Re: Do You think the court order Jim to get tested

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 12:38 pm
by tlmarvin
Monday, September 26, 2016--6:29 am CST

I wish it was over. I'm afraid this lawsuit will ruin Jim's career. I'm sure he's worried
about that.
I don't know. Maybe or maybe not. If he is ordered to get tested, I'm sure he'll corporate with the court if he gets ordered to be tested. I don't know if he's been to
court or not.


Terry Marvin (Dallas, Texas)

Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 12:55 pm
by AdaL
sianlee wrote:I am feeling a little unsettled by all the news. I've loved Jim for a long time. I have literally just put all of my memerobilla in a display cabinet (expensive and hand assembled) and then heard all the news. After seeing all the information I can't help but feel a little shocked. I guess in the end we don't know who he really is, and I still hope and pray that it's not true... but yeah looking at my cabinet now... it's like it doesn't mean as much to me because I feel sad about what's happened? I just want them to prove that it's all fake!! He's been my idle since I was little :(

Oh, come on now, this is exactly what they want.
If those texts and letters are legit they prove one thing only - Mark Burton is the scum of the earth.
They are looking to trash Jim's reputation in any way they can and generate awful headlines for him. Thankfully, most people can see right through this for the exortion it is.
Jim has done nothing wrong except love a woman who had the most despicable friends.
The only thing you can take away from that very private correspondence is that they had some problems. Same as us all. We've all had tricky relationships and heated exchanges but the difference is with us, those exchanges haven't been monitored and recorded in order to blackmail us at a later stage and we're not high profile and wealthy.

Please, PLEASE .. I urge you to go onto to Tony Ortega's site and read up on these people and what they're capable of. He's a respected journalist who has been exposing this cult for years. No salaciousness or gossip - he's the true defintion of a principled and intelligent writer who takes no pleasure in having to document such a tragic event but suicides in Scientology are frighteningly common. The people on there are great too. A mixture of experience with the cult: some who've escaped it themselves or had loved ones who have, or are still part of it, experts and people who just take an general interest.
He's been covering the story behind Cathriona's involvement with them since she died. They are awful, awful people and am in no doubt that they have been plotting this attack for a long time. They love to get the knife into outsiders (Suppressive Persons, to use their own term) and they love money.
This is the link relating to everything about Cathriona on his site.

This WILL go away, hopefully sooner rather than later and the gossip mongers and tabloid consuming public will move on and forget all about it and Burton and his buddies will crawl back into their hole hopefully forever and think about what they've done for the rest of their lives. Until then, its up to rational, decent people to see this for what it plainly is and support Jim in any way they can. It's the very least he deserves for the happiness and smiles he's given the world.

Re: :(

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 1:16 pm
by AdaL
It won't ruin his career. It's tabloid headlines for a while, that's it. Most people are intelligent enough to see it for what it is. Not nice for him but he has a ton of support and he's done nothing wrong. Just need to ride the storm for a while.

Re: :(

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 3:50 pm
by Serap E.
AdaL wrote:Those stolen texts were from two and half years ago. Early 2013 to be precise. . a month after she married her 'husband'. But that has conveniently been forgetten by this disgusting Mark Burton whose focus is attacking Jim at any cost. You cannot contribute difficult relationships/arguments or problems to blame when it comes to suicide.
It is a very personal decision and she made it herself. We all have these issues - break-ups, stress, shitty things .. but for people who are struggling with depression, they can be too much. Nobody can predict this and in the abscence of someone approaching you to tell you they are going to take their life, you just cannot know.
Burton and his grotesque pals know that they won't make anything stick in court, but they are trying to trash Jim publicly before it gets to that stage and hope he caves and gives them money.
It's not going to happen.

Whatever an STD test may show is also irrelevant. There is no shame in having an STD, but there is infinite, intense and inescapable shame in attacking an innocent man and exposing the private business of a dead woman in order to extort money.

I agree with every word. Thanks for voicing my opinions.

Re: :(

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 4:08 pm
by Serap E.
Here's a video Jim's sister Rita talking about the lawsuit. Nothing much significant, but i'm putting it here though.

Re: :(

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 6:48 pm
by AdaL
Serap E. wrote:
AdaL wrote:Those stolen texts were from two and half years ago. Early 2013 to be precise. . a month after she married her 'husband'. But that has conveniently been forgetten by this disgusting Mark Burton whose focus is attacking Jim at any cost. You cannot contribute difficult relationships/arguments or problems to blame when it comes to suicide.
It is a very personal decision and she made it herself. We all have these issues - break-ups, stress, shitty things .. but for people who are struggling with depression, they can be too much. Nobody can predict this and in the abscence of someone approaching you to tell you they are going to take their life, you just cannot know.
Burton and his grotesque pals know that they won't make anything stick in court, but they are trying to trash Jim publicly before it gets to that stage and hope he caves and gives them money.
It's not going to happen.

Whatever an STD test may show is also irrelevant. There is no shame in having an STD, but there is infinite, intense and inescapable shame in attacking an innocent man and exposing the private business of a dead woman in order to extort money.

I agree with every word. Thanks for voicing my opinions.

You're welcome x

Re: :(

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 6:49 pm
by AdaL
Serap E. wrote:Here's a video Jim's sister Rita talking about the lawsuit. Nothing much significant, but i'm putting it here though.

Love her. It makes me feel better that he has such a great supportive family.

Re: :(

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 7:31 pm
by fluffy
who keeps 2 1/2 year old texts?...........i think you are spot on when you said you thought the 'organisation' had been keeping tabs on Jim for possible future use. :shock: :(

Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 7:48 pm
by fluffy
Yeah, i've been reading about Scientology for years too....i think i've read every book ever written about it and if the members actually knew the truth, there would be nothing short of a revolution within the organistation. But they're brainwashed drones who are told the rest of us are basically Satan and they are made to believe that it's the voice of Satan, rather than reason and common sense, which argues against them.....if only they really knew the truth.........

Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 10:07 pm
by EvaAraujo
sianlee wrote:I am feeling a little unsettled by all the news. I've loved Jim for a long time. I have literally just put all of my memerobilla in a display cabinet (expensive and hand assembled) and then heard all the news. After seeing all the information I can't help but feel a little shocked. I guess in the end we don't know who he really is, and I still hope and pray that it's not true... but yeah looking at my cabinet now... it's like it doesn't mean as much to me because I feel sad about what's happened? I just want them to prove that it's all fake!! He's been my idle since I was little :(

Listen, the news are bad but I think even we are giving this crap so much importance that makes bastards like that guy get more attention.
Jim wouldn't decide to fight for this and go to court if he wasn't right,or if he didn't have prove. Why? Because that "man" wants money and Jim could have settle to avoid all of this but he's innocent therefore he will fight.

I'm not the kind of person to just say yes and bow to everyone and if I didn't believe (or agreed) in Jim I would be the first one to say it but in this case...
I do believe in him.
We can't focus on the negative because that's what bastards like that guy want.
Look at that display cabinet with pride. Now only because of his work that you love but also because of the person he left us know to be. That hasn't change.
Remember is human too and he makes mistake and no one has the power to judge.

Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 2:33 am
by sianlee
I know you're all right. I guess for me it was just one of those moments that were like "woah" when you see all the messages and stuff. Don't get me wrong, I am one of the first people that will critize something. But it's like... we're all those messages fake? I know they've skewed the truth... but it just seems to paint a new image for Jim for me. I know he's human and all, I just wish he got a scan done and proved to the cost that he didn't have any of that. Because then the whole case is false! Why can't Jenny speak out about this?

Re: :(

PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 2:40 am
by sianlee
Thanks for posting the link to the video :)

Thanks too for everyone standing up for him. I now hope that it gets completely disproven ASAP!

Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 8:55 am
by fluffy
Keep an open mind and even if the messages are real we don't know all the exchanges between them. It's easy for the media to paint him as a a villan because that's how the ex husband has painted him and it makes for 'great' albeit sleazy and offensive journalism. The National Enquirer are going to love this.......

Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 10:08 am
by Serap E.
fluffy wrote:The National Enquirer are going to love this.......

Thanks to Brad and Angelina, they're too busy with them :lol:

Re: Jim Carrey Statement about Lawsuit.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 11:22 am
by sianlee
The world is so sad